A Story of "Old Radio Boy's" PCs and His Home LAN
Started using computers in 1968 at UC Berleley where they provided post-doctoral
visiting scholars a luxurious computing environment with their Control Data Corporation's
"CDC 6400 super! computer" and Digital Equipment Corporation's
"PDP-7 million dollar! big(no mini!)-computer", I have
been keep working on various facets of computer applications not only
as a manufacturing technology development engineer but also a diligent electronics hobbyist
so far. Retirement at the last day of 1999 allowed me to spend some additional time to play on PCs. After constructing basic home LAN for better exploitation of PC resources I owned then as well as for more comfortable utilization of Internet information resources through the broad-band line connection, I started adding a new homemade PC after another replacing older ones. The latest topics on my home LAN is the addition of a Linux PC. Although I have experienced difficulties in establishing software level connection by samba (2.2.2-ja-10) due to my insufficient practical experience with Linux as well as some unexpected localization of definition tables in Turbo Linux 8 Workstation, I succeeded in constructing pretty functional Linux-Windows compound LAN. Some minor software barriers, however, hindered me to go further into using Linux PC in daily computing tasks. They included code incompatibility of Japanese characters(EUC/Shift-JIS), and lack of clipboard data transmission tool to share data between Linux and Windows PCs. Also I could not figure out how to connect printers under the control of Windows 2000pro PC working as the printer server of my home LAN. After handling the Linux PC for a while, I felt Linux is too lofty to be just a modest client in my Windows LAN. The situation seem started to change recently, Lindows Japanese version was released last September and turbolinux company released turbolinux 10 Desktop (TL10D) in October. They both have some special features to make themselves look more familiar for people accustomed to Windows system. After working with TL10D for 1.5 months, and having succeeded in establishing almost seamless in application level connection between the Linux PC and existing Windows home LAN, I am now convinced I will soon be relieved of the frustrating situation and the unreasonable expanses caused by the MS's monopolization. END, but Setup reports in detail - sorry in Japanese, but some screen shots. |